Sunday, July 26, 2015

Snowballs in July!!!

Today was a horrible day. My son, who has autism, has been crazily eating everything in sight for months now. He has gained an obscene amount of weight. I am trying my best to get him to ease up and introduce lower fat foods and all that. It is very hard to do with his picky eating.

Now I was on the couch today and I can't see the fridge from where I was. It was quiet and I had sat down for a moment as today was overly exhausting. We had already had a few meltdowns and I was so tired. The next thing I know, I hear.....
"Snowball fight!" and get covered in sugar....
Its in my hair, its on the couch. He runs back to his room and comes back
"Snowball fight!" and another handful of sugar falls on my head.

Somehow Prince manages, without me hearing him because he is sneaky as pull a chair over to the fridge and get the sugar container down. Now, don't ridicule me for not hearing him. Between the TV and his "phone" playing annoying orange as loud as it will go, it gets loud in here and like I said, he's sneaky. He had the sugar container on the kitchen table and about three handfuls on his play table in his room!

Not even an hour later he is standing in front of the open fridge with the Hershey's syrup turned upside down!  Seriously the kid is not starving people! I promise!

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