Monday, December 19, 2011

Wow really...Mustard?

     The title of this blog is dedicated to my son. Who gave me the inspiration to write it. The blog Wow Really, Mustard will contain all my sons little quirks that he pulls off on a daily basis. Which let me tell you, are sometimes insanely weird.

The Story behind the Title!

Okay, in his defense my son has been out of school for two weeks.  Its just pre-school people don't think I am that terrible! So needless to say he has been bored out of his mind.  My son is autistic but lets put this in perspective. He is also four years old!  He gets into stuff and messes around like any other four year old would.  He can be sneaky and coniving with the best of them. A trait he no doubt inherited from both his parents. I'm blabbering. On with the story.

So we are sitting at home, I am reading a book while my son is playing and watching tv in his room .  He is really quiet but you know he is pretty quiet sometimes when he is into a movie or game he is playing so I think nothing of it at all. Until I get up to go to the restroom and smell something kinda funny. My sons room is off to the side of the dinning room and the whole dinning room smelled like, mustard? Really?

I walked into my sons room, which is always a disaster and notice nothing really out of sorts. Then he smiled at me and said "NO!"
My son, my sweet little boy whom I love with all my heart, had gone into the kitchen and took the mustard out of the fridge and decided his Disney Cars, needed bright yellow paint jobs.  On his nightstand were four of the fifty Cars; Mater, Lighting McQueen, and two others had been splattered with half a bottle of mustard! And not only was he rolling them around in it but until I washed the mustard off the cars I couldn't even tell which was which! There was so much mustard that it took me fifteen minutes to wash it off the cars, off the nightstand and off my son! I can honestly say when you buy mustard you are getting your moneys worth because that stuff goes a long way.
Now not only had he plastered the Cars in it, covered his nightstand and got it in his bright red hair, he was also licking the mustard straight off the table!!!

Now you might ask yourself; "What do you do when your son decided to use mustard to repaint the world?"
Well I will tell you.
When you walk in and see the mustard covered cars and the tire tracks on the table through the gooey yellow slime that must have exploded from the bottle you just smile and say:

"Wow, really? Mustard?"


  1. Thats my Alex. I think I will buy you some mustard for Christmas!!!!!

  2. Kay, don't encourage him! LOL! I love these moments. I just wish I had gotten a picture!
